Gore Bay offers numerous opportunities to enjoy breathtaking views and natural scenery. Whether it is a leisurely stroll along the waterfront boardwalk and breakwall, a hike along either Renie Noble Nature Trail or Lodge Trail, or a scenic picnic at one of the east bluff viewing parks, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

For a link to the trail map click here.

Harold Noble Memorial Park

Also referred to as The East Bluff Lookout.

A park and picnic area offering a panoramic view of Gore Bay harbour and surrounding countryside. Located on the east bluff.

Hindman Park Lookout

Another lookout offering panoramic views of Gore Bay and picnic areas.




Boardwalk Trail (1.2 KM)

An easy and accessible trail that runs along the water front. This trail connects to the newly constructed breakwall which will take you out further into the bay. Different landscapes are viewed along this trail offering great photo opportunities. Picnic areas are also available. Interpretive educational plaques are viewed along this trail.

Renie Noble Nature Trail (1.1km)

This trail runs up and along the east bluff. A couple of rest stations are available at lookouts along the trail. Access the trail either from East Street via Water Street, or from Noble Blvd. (off Kinney Street). This is an easy to moderate trail. Panoramic views of Gore Bay are offered at many different vantage points offering perfect photo opportunities.





The Lodge Nature Trail

The Lodge Nature trail is an easy to moderate trail that connects to the Renee Noble Nature Trail. It is 3/4km in length in and out. When you get to the end of the trail, you can in the scenic water front views while resting under a sheltered gazebo.