Posted February, 23, 2024

The Town would like to thank everyone who made our Family Day 2024 events a great success! The Gore Bay Community Spirits and Events group with help from the Gore Bay Fire Department, the Arena Manager, Canteen Staff, the Chaytor Famliy, and Don Wright put on quite a fun-filled day for our first Family Day event. There was public skating at the Arena, which saw over 30 people attend and take part from 2pm-4pm. Then as the sun began to go down, our Fire Department was hard at work getting everything set up for a wonderful fireworks display! There were burn barrels set up for Community members to gather and keep warm, and children of the community took full advantage of all the snow down by the waterfront and had a great time. Here's a few snapshots from the event (images taken by Michael Lalonde, Aly Niemi, Kelly Chaytor, and the Gore Bay Fire Department):
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