Emergency Services
If you or someone you are with requires immediate help call 9-1-1.
Ambulance and paramedic services are provided by the Manitoulin Sudbury District Social Services Board. Click here, to learn more about land ambulance and paramedic services.
Emergency Management
The Town of Gore Bay has developed an Emergency Measures Plan that provides detailed information regarding the roles and responsibilities of key officials and departments of Gore Bay.
An emergency can happen at any time. It is important that everyone plans to be prepared. To get yourself and your household prepared visit Canada's Get Prepared webpage.
Fire Service
The Gore Bay Gordon Barrie Island Fire Department has approximately 18 volunteer members. The fire department protects the Town of Gore Bay and the Municipality of Gordon Barrie Island. They operate out of the station located at 25 Hwy 540B, Gore Bay, Ontario, P0P 1H0.
The Gore Bay Gordon Barrie Island has a committed group of volunteers that are dedicated to providing fire prevention education, suppression and responding to motor vehicle incidents. Volunteer fire fighters play an important role in keeping our community safe. Being a volunteer fire fighter can be rewarding and challenging requiring your personal time to attend training and emergency calls.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer fire fighter please contact the Municipality of Gordon/Barrie Island at 705-282-2702 or adminoffice@gordonbarrieisland.ca.
Open Air Burning
All open air fires within the Town of Gore Bay require a fire permit to be obtained. An application for a fire permit must be submitted to the municipal office. Fire permits are free of charge.
All regulations set out in the open air burning by-law must be followed. If the fire rating changes to high or extreme, then permits will be suspended until the fire rating returns to moderate or low.
Policing Services
The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) provide policing services for Gore Bay. To contact the OPP for non-urgent matters call 1-888-310-1122.
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